Our latest ski trip partner : North47

A big welcome to our latest school ski trip partner North47, putting sustainability at the heart of its operations – just like WhoSki.com. We were delighted to hear about the company’s suite of eco commitments, and look forward to welcoming their clients to the ever-growing WhoSki.com community.

Not only is North47 encouraging all its clients to think second hand first when buying ski clothing and equipment – using WhoSki.com, naturally. It also puts nature and the environment front of mind in all its ski business operations.

From recycling to litter picking, transport (choosing bus and coach over air travel) and gastronomy, North47 is committed to sustainability. As a business, it strives to take – and offer – the most eco-friendly choice in as many fields as possible.


It’s an approach that, of course, WhoSki.com is 100% in favour of. We take the view that whatever your habits, acting mindfully and positively is the best way to make the small differences that can reduce your carbon footprint and help encourage behaviour changes in other areas of your life.

WhoSki.com is popular with skiers across age and demographic groups. We find families in particular love using our marketplace to pick up quality, good value ski clothing. Our website is easy to use and offers a wide range of ski kit for adults and children from all age groups.

School ski trip essentials

By looking for second hand ski clothing and equipment at WhoSki.com before you buy new, you can save money on your next wintersports trip. From an eco angle, you will also help keep durable, hard to recycle kit in active usage. This helps reduce global consumption and reduces the chance of items like ski jackets, ski pants and base layers ending up in landfill where they can take potentially 100s of years to bio-degrade.


Visit the North47 school ski trip website for information about their ski travel options – and the WhoSki.com marketplace to buy and sell your pre-loved ski kit.

WhoSki.com is open for business all year round, so if you are having a summer clear-out or getting ready for next ski season, register as a user for free and start greening up your wintersports habit right now.

Visit the WhoSki.com partners page